16-24 Years Old High Blood Pressure Awareness!
16-24 Years Old High Blood Pressure Awareness
I was on a heath awareness zoom last week and one of the topics that was discussed is that research has found that a considerable number of young people 16-24 years old unknowingly have risky high blood pressure.
Although it may not cause symptom or problems to begin with, it is putting extra strain on their hearts and blood vessels.
Remember high blood pressure is responsible for about half the heart attacks and stroke in the UK.
Also being overweight, eating an unhealthy diet and not being active, drinking and smoking can raise your blood pressure.
Parents and guardians please encouraged your children to practice healthy eating and healthy lifestyle.
I began writing food blogs, poems, articles, and booklets on healthy diets
and healthy lifestyle for my young and old patients when I was working as a practice nurse. Some of the young people had old people blood pressure for example 190/100 and the old people had young people blood pressure for example 130/70.
When I ask the young people what do you eat? I got the same answer everytime, nurse I cannot cook.
Mothers, Sisters, Grandmothers, and Guardians!
Please! Please! teach your young children to cook simple healthy meals,
make it a fun time and get them in the kitchen with you at an early age. It will protect their body and keep them healthy. Please do not sent them to
buy junk foods, the habit will never go away.
I know lots of children can cook at an early age, this is according to their culture and the family they grew up in. I was cooking a full meal when I was 9 years old.
Please prepare your children for a long and healthy life.
Hope Roberts ©
Healthy Foods examples!
Healthy Breakfast!
Chick pease salad